Monday, May 23, 2016

How To Have the Very Best Salad

I just ate the greatest salad ever.  EVER.  In the history of lettuce, this was an epic moment.  I probably should have taken a "before" picture, but I was really starting to get crazy hungry (I believe the proper term for this emotion is "hangry").  It didn't last long.

So, you want to know how to have a similar experience?  Even if you don't, I'm about to tell you how.  Can't wait until you try this.

Step 1 - Visit local pantry to see what is available there.  Our pantry has chicken available almost all the time.  It also has raisins and beets.  These are crucial to this salad.  Pick them up, along with a few other favorites for you meal planning (whether AIP or not, you can always get GOOD stuff at a food pantry and it helps you save money because feeding people is an expensive chore).

Step 2 - Cook chicken.  Whether you bought it or you got it from the pantry, all chicken cooks the same.  Throw it in the oven and bake it.  Put it in a crockpot and let it cook while you're out doing more exciting things.  Or, you can roast it like I did.  Big ol' roaster over and 350-400* for about an hour and this will be delicious, well cooked meat.  YUM!  Season it as you see fit.  When it's cooked (to an internal temperature of at least 165*), shred it.  I recently saw a youtube video of shredding chicken with a hand mixer, but you don't need all that.  Just two forks and some tunes.  Save the bones for a bone broth and you're on your way to eating full AIP!  Store the chicken in a bag or bowl in your fridge.

Step 3 - Roast your beets!  We've got the beets, we've got the beets!  Okay, in all seriousness, oven needs to be at 350* and your beets need to be peeled and diced.  Put 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl on your stove as it's preheating and it'll be melted by the time you need it.  Drizzle it over your beets, then toss them a little (but don't toss them AT anyone - you want to eat these).  Put them in the oven for about 20 minutes.  Try not to eat them all when they get out.  You'll have to have some self-control here.  Maybe that should have been another step: self control.  It's hard, I know, but it'll be worth it.

Step 4 - Subscribe to a local organic food delivery.  I like Door-To-Door and they're available throughout the US in various parts.  If they deliver to you, I can give you a $15 coupon code - just send me your email address.  Anyway, after you subscribe, get some lettuces - and not just "romaine" or "iceberg".  No.  Get something with flavor.  Try something new.  When it finally arrives, chop it up immediately (well, wash it first).  Put it into a couple bowls (or one bowl if you have self control - I don't, so I have to rely on portion control) with some paper towel.

Step 5 - Add 1/4 raisins to each bowl.  Don't ask questions, just add them.

Step 6 - 2 tablespoons dressing.  I have these cute little bowls that don't hold much more than 2 tablespoons of dressing.  I use 1 tablespoon oil (olive or avocado) and 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar.  Sometimes I'll add in some strawberry juice or lime juice or something else fun to add a flavor.  Today, though, for the EPIC salad, I just had oil and vinegar.  There's something to be said for simplicity.

Step 7 - When you're ready to eat, heat up 1/2 cup of chicken and 1/4 cup of beets.  Usually one minute in the microwave is sufficient.  However, more time won't hurt.  Remember, you want your chicken to either be cold or over 165* in order to kill bacteria.  This is crucial to remember.  I'm not trying to get sued for promoting food poisoning.

Step 8 - Throw everything together (1 cup lettuce, 1/2 cup chicken, 1/4 cup beets, 1/4 cup raisins, 2 T dressing) and enjoy.  Try not to cry from the amazing flavors in your mouth.

Step 9 - Let me know how you like YOUR salads.  I love trying new things.


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